
I’ve just finishing reading Exodus in my personal bible studies, and whats really struck me about it is the way that everyone had their own part to play in building the tabernacle, which is particularly clear in Exodus 35. God gave each individual the gifts and materials, so that they could do the work between them. I see this as an old testament copy of 1 Corinthians 12 in many ways, and the church needs to be like this example of the Israelites. They all took their part that God had given them in order for the glory of God to be with them - so we all need to play our part in the church for the glory of God. It’s also clear from these passages that God gave each individual the things that were needed, and that God gives us the things we need to what he has set before us. We need to acknowledge that they are gifts from him, and use them as for his glory.